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發(fā)布日期:2014-06-13 07:22:00   瀏覽:1042次

 Cylinder Valves
Most compressed gas cylinders require the installation of at least one valve. This valve allows the cylinder to contain gases and allows gas to be filled into or emptied from the cylinder. The cylinder valve is the most vulnerable part of the compressed gas package and requires a thorough understanding in order to maximize its performance. There are three basic valves used in the compressed gas industry. They are the pressure seal valve, the packed valve, and the diaphragm valve. There are several versions or designs within each of the three basic types. This pamphlet will address the more common valves in today’s industry.
A working knowledge of cylinder valves can improve processes, save time and money, prevent problems, and improve the safety of your operation. This document must not be used as a guide for valve modification or repair. No modifications to valves are permitted and any repairs shall only be made by or under direction of the supplier.
Basic Valve Rules
? open valves slowly to control pressures urges and heat of compression!
? use the correct CGA connection for hook-up!
? inspect the valve for damage and foreign materials before connecting it to your equipment!
? ensure when the cylinder is not in use, even when empty, that the valve is in the closed position with the outlet seal in place and the transport cap installed!
? consult your supplier if you have any questions regarding cylinder valves!
? make packing nut adjustments with the valve outlet depressurized!
? restrain cylinders!
When returning any cylinder, ensure that the cylinder valve is properly closed,
any outlet seals are in place and properly tightened, and the transport cap is correctly installed.
? tamper with pressure relief devices!
? attempt to tighten or loosen the valve into or out of the cylinder!
? use a damaged valve where integrity may have been affected!
? continue to use a valve that operates abnormally, i.e., becomes noisy or progressively harder to operate!
? use an automatic operator, adapter, wrenches, or other tools to obtain a mechanical advantage on hand-wheel-operated valves without consulting your supplier first!
? lubricate valves or their connections!
? drag, lift, or move a cylinder using the valve or the hand wheel as a handle!
? remove packing nuts on packed valves!
? adjust or tamper with retainer or bonnet nuts on diaphragm or pressure seal valves!調(diào)整或篡改隔膜閥或壓力密封閥上的固定器或閥帽螺母!
? use the cylinder valve to regulate flow or pressure!
? move cylinders without the transport cap installed!
? interchange transport caps between cylinders!
Pressure Seal Valve
Products: Inerts, Oxygen, Hydrogen
Operating Principle: The pressure seal valve is a hand wheel-operated valve using a two-piece valve stem. The upper and lower stems interface with either a key arrangement or a slot and blade configuration. The threads are located on the lower stem and the upper stem is free floating. The sealing mechanism for the valve stem is provided by a Teflon packing ring that makes contact with a ridge on the upper stem. The force that provides this contact is a spring located in the hand-wheel. This spring provides an upward force to the upper stem and pulls the stem’s sealing ridge into the packing ring.
Identifying Features
1. Spring in hand wheel can be detected by wiggling hand wheel. If a spring is present, the hand wheel will pivot on the spring.
2. The valve has a non-rising hand-wheel. The hand wheel is always in the same position relative to the valve body regardless of whether the valve is in the open or closed position.
Recommended Opening Procedure: Air Products recommends that pressure seal valves be used in the fully open or back seated position. Opening the valve fully causes the lower stem to ride upward on its threads until it contacts the upper stem and mechanically drives the upper stems seal ridge into the packing ring. This improves the seal around the stem and helps to prevent packing leaks. Valves in the back seated position can be mistaken as closed by inexperienced or untrained operators. When an operator checks a valve to insure its position, he should always check by attempting to close the valve, never by trying to open the valve. If the valve was back seated using substantial effort, it is possible that the operator could think the valve is closed, when in fact it is fully open. Operators must be trained to use pressure readings or an equally reliable indicator to insure the cylinder valve is closed or open.
推薦的開啟程序:Air Products推薦把壓力密封閥用在充分開啟或反向固定的位置。閥門的完全開啟使得下閥桿沿著螺紋上升,直到它物理上接觸到上閥桿,機械驅(qū)動上閥桿密封凸起進入墊圈。這改善了閥桿附近的密封,有助于防止襯墊泄漏。沒有經(jīng)驗或未經(jīng)訓(xùn)練的操作人員會誤認為
Recommended Closing Procedure: Close the cylinder valve tightly using a gloved hand. Always wearing gloves when operating cylinder valves. NEVER use wrenches or other persuaders to operate the valve.
Valve Advantages: The pressure seal valve is extremely reliable, very strong (used at pressures up to 6000 psig), economical, and user friendly.
閥門的優(yōu)點:壓力密封閥是非??煽俊⒎浅怨蹋捎糜诟哌_6000 psig的壓力)、經(jīng)濟和易于使用的。
Valve Disadvantages: The valve is prone to leakage around the stem, especially in-board leakage when a vacuum is pulled on the valve outlet. Back seating helps minimize outboard leakage when the valve is in the open position. The threads on the lower valve stem are in the wetted gas stream. These threads are lubricated and these lubricants can be an unwanted contaminant in high purity applications.
Comments: This is a very reliable valve for non-corrosive and high purity products. However, the design makes this valve inappropriate for corrosives and ultrahigh-purity products.
WARNING: Improper use of cylinder valves may result in serious injury!
The Wrench-Operated Packed Valve
Products: Corrosives and Reactive Gases
Operating Principle: The wrench-operated valve is a packed valve with a one piece stem. The seat to stem seal is a metal to metal seal. The manufacturer’s minimum recommended closing torque is35 ft-lbs. This is much more than can be applied with hand force; therefore, the valve requires a wrench to provide sufficient closing force. The stem seal is accomplished by compressing a large ring of Teflon between the
valve body and packing nut which forces the Teflon to grip the stem.
運轉(zhuǎn)原理:扳手型襯墊閥是有一個閥桿的襯墊閥門。閥座到閥桿的密封是一個金屬到金屬的密封。制造商的最小推薦關(guān)閉轉(zhuǎn)矩是35 ft-lbs。這遠遠超過了手所能施加的力;因此,閥門要求一個扳手來提供足夠的關(guān)閉力量。閥桿密封是這樣實現(xiàn)的:把一個大特氟綸環(huán)壓在閥體和襯墊螺母之間,襯墊螺母迫使特氟綸緊抓住閥桿。
Identifying Features
1. The valve does not have a hand-wheel. The top of the stem is machined square to accommodate a wrench.
2. The top of the valve has a large, internally-threaded nut screwed onto the body, where the valve stem exits. This is the packing nut.
Recommended Opening Procedure: The wrench-operated valve has a very large flow capacity. It is not necessary to open this valve to the full open position to provide full flow to the process. Opening this valve fully poses two serious problems. The first problem is safety-related. In many applications, cylinders with these valves are used in tight quarters (e.g., gas cabinets) or behind barricades. These space constraints often prohibit the stem from being fully rotated when operating the valve. This valve requires approximately three full turns from full open to full close. In the case of an emergency, it can take 15 to 30 seconds to close the valve, depending on space and operator stress. However, if the valve is opened to the recommended 1 /4 to 1 /2turn, the valve can be quickly closed with minimal operator exposure. The second benefit of only opening the valve the recommended 1 /4 to 1 /2 turn is the protection of the upper section of threads.
推薦的開啟程序:扳手型閥門流量非常大。必須把閥門開到完全開啟的位置,以提供完全的流通。完全開啟閥門引起兩個嚴重問題。第一個問題同安全有關(guān)。在許多應(yīng)用中,使用這種閥門的鋼瓶用在狹窄空間(如氣體室)或隔板后面。這些空間限制經(jīng)常禁止操作閥門時閥桿充分旋轉(zhuǎn)。這種閥門從完全開啟到完全關(guān)閉需要大約三圈。在緊急情況下,根據(jù)空間和操作人員的壓力,關(guān)閉閥門需要15到30秒。但是,如果閥門開啟到推薦的1 /4到1 /2圈,閥門就可以迅速關(guān)閉,操作人員的暴露也減少到最小。僅僅開啟閥門到推薦的1 /4到1 /2圈的第二個好處是保護了螺紋的上面部分。
The threads are in the wetted gas stream and, due to the corrosive nature of many of the products where these valves are used, the threads can become jammed with corrosion by-products. If the valve is opened to the recommended 1 /4 to 1 /2 turn and the threads become jammed, the upper threads usually remain clear. This allows the operator to further open the valve and to free the threads. The proper operation of this valve requires the use of the proper wrench. Recommends using the square stem valve wrench, commodity code E99-P-38WRENCH to operate these valves (except on highly reactive gases such as fluorine, ClF3, etc.). This wrench
has a square hole sized to fit the stem and an open-end wrench on opposite end that fits the packing nut. The recommended opening procedure for this valve is as follows:
螺紋處在潮濕氣流中,同時由于使用閥門的地方的許多產(chǎn)品的腐蝕性,螺紋可能被腐蝕產(chǎn)生的副產(chǎn)品堵塞。如果閥門開啟到推薦的1 /4到1 /2圈,同時螺紋被堵塞,上螺紋通常保持著清潔。這就允許操作人員進一步開啟閥門和松開螺紋。這種閥門的正確操作要求使用正確的扳手。推薦使用商品代碼為E99-P-38WRENCH方形桿閥扳手來操作這些閥門(除了對于非?;顫姎怏w,如氟、ClF3等)。這種扳手有一個尺寸同閥桿配合的方孔,另一端有一個同襯墊螺母配合的開口扳手。推薦的這種閥門的開啟程序如下:
1. connect cylinder to system
2. snug packing nut with wrench (35 ft-lbs)
用扳手擰緊襯墊螺母(35 ft-lbs)
3. place wrench on stem and slap valve open by striking the wrench with the palm of the hand
4. continue opening the valve until it is1 /4 to 1 /2 turn open.
繼續(xù)把閥門開啟到1 /4到1 /2圈。
Where possible, leave the wrench on the valve so a quick closing of the valve can be made in the event of an emergency.
Recommended Closing Procedure: Using an appropriate wrench, tighten the stem by pulling the wrench to the closed position. When the valve is closed as tight as the wrench can be pulled, give the wrench a closing slap with the gloved palm of the hand. The minimum closing torque for this valve is 35 ft-lbs. but it is not uncommon for some valves to require as much as 60 to 80 ft-lbs. to fully seal.
推薦的關(guān)閉程序:使用一個合適的扳手,通過把扳手推到關(guān)閉位置擰緊閥桿。當閥門關(guān)閉到扳手能夠擰到的最緊程度時,用戴手套的手掌朝擰緊的方向拍一下扳手。這種閥門的最小關(guān)閉轉(zhuǎn)矩是35 ft-lbs,也有一些閥門要求大到60到80 ft-lbs的轉(zhuǎn)矩來完全密封。
Valve Advantages: The valve is extremely rugged and its one piece stem provides positive operation. This strength and the metal sealing allow this valve to be used in the most severe services. The simple design makes this valve very reliable.
閥門的優(yōu)點:閥門非常結(jié)實,它的單閥桿提供了確定的操作。這種強度和金屬密封使這種閥門可以用于最嚴格的應(yīng)用中。簡單的設(shè)計使閥門非??煽俊?br/>Valve Disadvantages: The nature of the products for which this valve is used are the main cause of problems with this valve. Corrosion products often deposit at the
valve seat, preventing a seal, or they collect in the threads, making operation difficult or impossible. As the seat wears, increasing closing torques are required to seal the valve. The packing is also susceptible to both inboard and outboard leakage. This is caused by the same property that makes Teflon such an ideal packing: its ability to flow. When the Teflon is squeezed, it responds by “cold flowing.” This means the Teflon pushes into every void in an effort to relieve the pressure. When this happens, a packing leak often develops. The packing should be checked frequently for leaks. The leaks can usually be fixed by depressurizing the valve outlet and retorquing the packing nut. These weak points make this valve a poor choice for cylinders used in critical applications where cleanliness and ultra-high leak integrity are crucial.
Comments: A simple preventative maintenance program and good operating procedures can address and limit the disadvantages of this valve. Preventative maintenance in the form of weekly cycling to keep the threads clear and frequent checking of the packing for leaks are very beneficial. Good procedures for cylinder and proper operation are also key in minimizing problems with this valve. The right wrench for valve operation also makes the operator’s job easier and safer. Some wrench-operated valves, specifically those used in ammonia and amines service, have packing nuts with notches machined into the flats. This indicates that the nut has left handed threads. Make sure you tighten these nuts in the counter-clockwise direction.
WARNING:Improper use of cylinder valves may result in serious injury!
The Hand wheel-Operated Packed Valve
Products: Corrosives and Reactive Gases
Operating Principle: The hand wheel-operated packed valve can use metal to metal seats like the wrench-operated valve or elastomeric seats like the pressure seal valve. Unlike the wrench-operated valve, the sealing mechanism in this valve is
designed to seal with only hand force. The packing is typically a filled Teflon. The packing is usually smaller and better contained than the packing in the wrench-operated valve. This helps to eliminate the hand wheel-operated packing leak problem associated with the wrench-operated valve. The packed valves used by Air Products employ a two- or three-piece stem in which the lower stem or spindle connects to the upper stem via a slip joint. In these valves the stem tip seals against the seat without rotating. This reduces some of the wear and particle generation, as compared to the wrench-operated design. This sealing motion and a considerable reduction in seat size allow this valve to be operated using hand torque. The packing nut of this valve is secured by a lock nut with left-handed threads which prevents accidental loosening of the packing nut.
操作原理:手輪型襯墊閥可以象扳手型閥門那樣使用金屬到金屬閥座,或者象壓力密封閥那樣使用人造橡膠閥座。同扳手型閥門不一樣,這種閥門的密封機制設(shè)計得僅用手的力量來密封。襯墊典型是填充特氟綸。密封環(huán)通常比扳手型閥門的密封環(huán)小和容納得更好。這有助于排除手輪型密封的泄漏問題,而扳手型閥門具有這個問題。Air Products使用的密封閥采用兩個或三個閥桿。下閥桿或軸通過伸縮接頭同上閥桿連接在一起。在這些閥門里,閥桿尖端沒有旋轉(zhuǎn)地同閥座密封在一起。同扳手型設(shè)計相比,這減少了磨損和顆粒的產(chǎn)生。這種密封動作和閥座尺寸的相當大的減小使得可以用手的轉(zhuǎn)矩來操作閥門。通過一個鎖定螺母來固定密封螺母。鎖定螺母帶有左手螺紋,可以防止密封螺母的意外松動。
Identifying Features
1. The valve is equipped with a hand-wheel. The hand wheel does not hold a spring and does not wiggle like the hand wheel of a pressure seal valve.
2. The stem rises when the hand wheel is turned to the open position.
3. Beneath the hand wheel are two nuts attached to the valve body. The upper set of wrench flats belong to the packing nut, which is threaded into the valve body. The lower set of wrench flats belong to the locking nut. Note that these flats have notches machined into them. This indicates the locking nut has left-handed threads.在手輪下面是兩個附在閥體上的螺母。扳手面上面的那個屬于襯墊螺母,它是通過螺紋旋進閥體的。扳手面下面的那個屬于鎖定螺母。注意這些平面帶有加工進平面的凹槽。這說明鎖定螺母帶有左手螺紋。
Recommended Opening Procedure: The slip joint interface of the upper and lower stems creates a free play of about 1 /2 turn with this valve. When opening, the hand wheel will give an initial resistance, then suddenly turnabout 1 /2 turn with little resistance. At this point the valve is still closed. When the hand wheel hits resistance again this is the sealing force at the seat. The hand wheel must be turned at least another 1 /2 turn, or a full turn from initial start, for the valve to be opened. This hand wheel rotates three full turns from closed to fully open. The flow capacity of
this valve is much smaller than that of the wrench operated valve, therefore it may be desirable to open this valve fully. DO NOT backseat this valve. Open the valve fully then rotate the hand wheel clockwise about 1 /2 turn. As when initially opening the valve, no resistance will be encountered for about 1 /2 turn. This is again the free play of the stem assembly. When closing resistance is encountered, stop. This position will provide maximum flow and allow the quickest closing in the event of an emergency. It will also eliminate the chance of an opened valve being mistaken for a closed valve.
推薦的開啟程序:上下閥桿的伸縮接頭接觸面使這種閥門可以有大約1 /2圈的自由運動。開啟的時候,手輪會引起一個最初的阻力,接著在這個小阻力下突然旋轉(zhuǎn)大約1 /2圈。在該點閥門仍然是關(guān)閉的。當手輪再次碰到阻力的時候,這是閥座上的密封力。在最初啟動時,要打開閥門,手輪必須再旋轉(zhuǎn)至少1 /2圈或一整圈。這種閥門的流量比扳手型閥門的流量小得多,因此有必要徹底打開閥門。禁止反向固定閥門。徹底打開閥門,接著順時針旋轉(zhuǎn)手輪1 /2圈。象最初開啟閥門時一樣,大約1 /2圈時不會遇到阻力。這又是閥桿裝置的自由運動。當遇到關(guān)閉阻力時,停止旋轉(zhuǎn)。這個位置將提供最大的流量,并允許在緊急情況下最快地關(guān)閉閥門。它還排除了把開啟的閥門誤認為關(guān)閉的閥門的可能性。
Recommended Closing Procedure: Close the cylinder valve tightly using a gloved hand. Air Products recommends always wearing gloves when operating cylinder valves. NEVER use wrenches or other persuaders to operate the valve.
推薦的關(guān)閉程序:用戴手套的手緊緊地關(guān)閉鋼瓶閥門。Air Products推薦操作鋼瓶閥門時總是戴手套。禁止用扳手或其它強制性的工具來操作閥門。
Valve Advantages: The valve can be used in many of the same services as the wrench-operated valve. No threads or lubricants are in the wetted gas stem. The valve effectively seals at higher pressures with less closing torque than the wrench-operated design. The packing design provides greater seal integrity than other packed valves. The valve is hand operated, thereby eliminating the need for special wrenches. The non-rotating lower stem eliminates much of the particle generation and wear associated with the wrench-operated packed valves.
Valve Disadvantages: Although this valve has better particle generation characteristics and leak integrity than other packed valves, diaphragm valves are superior to these valves in these attributes. The stem design makes this a very rapid opening valve and it should not be used in services where gas velocity and adiabatic heat of compression are a concern (such as in oxidizer service). The dead band in the stem prohibits the use of any presently available separate pneumatic openers.
Comments: This valve is typically used to replace the wrench-operated valve in non-ultrahigh integrity applications.
WARNING:Improper use of cylinder valves may result in serious injury!
The Spring-Loaded Diaphragm Valve (First Generation)
Products: Highly Toxic Gases, High-Purity Gases, Rare Gases and Pyrophoric Gases
Operating Principle: The diaphragm valve is a handwheel-operated valve, utilizing a two-piece stem separated by non perforated diaphragms. These diaphragms prevent leakage along the valve stem. The lower stem is encased in a spring which forces the stem away from the seat when the valve is opened. The upper stem is threaded into the diaphragm retainer nut. When the handwheel is rotated to the closed position the upper stem pushes on the diaphragms, which deflect downward, forcing the lower stem against the valve seat. When the handwheel is rotated toward the open position the upper stem is moved away from the diaphragms allowing the spring to push the lower stem away from the seat. The replacement of elastomeric seals with metal diaphragms gives this valve superior leak integrity to the atmosphere.
Identifying Features:
1. The valve is equipped with a hand-wheel. The handwheel does not house a spring and does not wiggle or pivot.
2. The stem rises and lowers as the valve is opened and closed.
3. Beneath the handwheel is a hexheaded externally-threaded diaphragm-retaining nut.
Recommended Opening Procedure: The diaphragm valve handwheel rotates about
1 1 /4 turns from fully open to closed. When opening a diaphragm valve, you will feel resistance for approximately one turn, at which point most or all resistance on the handwheel will disappear. At this point the upper stem has lost contact with the diaphragms. The valve should be opened to this point but not back seated. When the handwheel is free from resistance, the valve will provide maximum flow but will not be mistaken for a closed valve because the handwheel will turn freely.
推薦的開啟程序:從徹底打開到關(guān)閉,隔膜閥手輪旋轉(zhuǎn)大約1 1 /4圈。當開啟隔膜閥的時候,在大約一圈中,你會感覺到阻力,到了一圈時,大部分或所有阻力都會消失。在此時,上閥桿已經(jīng)失去了同橫膈膜的接觸。閥門應(yīng)該開啟到這一點,但不能反向固定。當手輪沒有阻力的時候,閥門將提供最大的流量,但因為手輪可以自由旋轉(zhuǎn),不會被誤認為是關(guān)閉的閥門。
Recommended Closing Procedure: The diaphragm valve can be difficult to close. When the valve is open, full cylinder pressure is exerted on the diaphragms. The diaphragms have a surface area of about one square inch. The pressure on this large surface area makes it difficult to push the diaphragms down. When closing the valve against cylinder pressure, about 60% of the closing force goes toward overcoming the gas pressure, while only 40% of the force is transmitted to the seat. Therefore, when a pressurized diaphragm valve is closed to the recommended 10 ft-lbs. and the valve outlet is depressurized, the closing force on the seat is only 4 ft-lbs. Many diaphragm valves are either weeping through at this point or are just barely closed. Because of this effect, it is necessary to use a “double close procedure” on these valves. This procedure requires the operator to close the valve as tightly as possible by hand (gloved hands are recommended), to vent the pressure in the valve outlet, and then to re-tighten the valve immediately. This is commonly referred to as double closing. NEVER use wrenches or other persuaders to operate the valve. Use of these cheaters can permanently damage the valve components.
推薦的關(guān)閉程序:隔膜閥的關(guān)閉是比較困難的。當閥門開啟的時候,全部的鋼瓶壓力都施加在橫膈膜上。橫膈膜的表面積大約是1平方英寸。這樣大面積上的壓力使得向下推動橫膈膜是很困難的。當在鋼瓶壓力下關(guān)閉閥門時,關(guān)閉力量的大約60%向下克服氣體壓力,而只有40%的力傳遞到閥座。因此,當使用推薦的10 ft-lbs力來關(guān)閉受壓隔膜閥且閥門排氣口壓力下降時,在閥座上的關(guān)閉力量只有4 ft-lbs。許多隔膜閥在這一點或者泄漏,或者根本就關(guān)不上。由于這種作用,在這些閥門上有必要使用一個“二次關(guān)閉程序”。這個程序要求操作者用手(推薦用戴手套的手)盡可能緊地關(guān)閉閥門,排出閥門排氣口的壓力,接著馬上重新關(guān)緊閥門。這一般稱為二次關(guān)閉。禁止使用扳手或其它強制性工具來操作閥門。使用這些工具會永久性地損壞閥門組件。
Valve Advantages: The replacement of elastomeric packings by metal diaphragms gives this valve superior leak integrity at the top works of the valve and stem. This is why shipping regulations require diaphragm valves on most poisonous gas cylinders. The valve shave no threads or lubricants in the gas stream to generate particles or contaminate the gas.
Valve Disadvantages: The valve is difficult to close and requires the operator to double close the valve. Because of this difficulty in closing, operators commonly use wrenches and other persuaders on the valves. To compound this problem the valves do not withstand this abusive treatment to any great extent. The diaphragms may become permanently inverted and the elastomeric stem tip can cold flow down the throat of the valve. This plug of extruded elastomer can be lodged in the throat so tightly that even 2000 psig of pressure will not dislodge it. This valve does not function well in corrosive service. Because of its design, materials of construction, and surface finish, the valve is very prone to corrosion. What usually happens is that the spring corrodes to the stem and valve body and becomes immovable. This can happen in both the open and closed positions. The valve is also prone to open when exposed to vibration and shock unless it is properly closed and secured.
閥門的缺點:閥門難以關(guān)閉,要求操作者二次關(guān)閉閥門。由于關(guān)閉困難,操作者一般都在閥門上使用扳手和其它強制性工具。使這個問題復(fù)雜化的是閥門不能承受任何程度的虐待。橫膈膜會永久性的翻轉(zhuǎn),人造橡膠閥桿尖端會冷變形到閥門的喉管處。突出的人造橡膠會緊緊的堵在喉管處,即使2000 psig的壓力也不能把它移走。這種閥門在腐蝕性設(shè)施中無法正常工作。由于它的設(shè)計、建材和表面加工,閥門很容易腐蝕。通常發(fā)生的是彈簧同閥桿和閥體腐蝕在一起,變得無法移動。在開啟和關(guān)閉位置都可能發(fā)生這種情況。當暴露于震動和沖擊時,除非閥門已經(jīng)正確關(guān)閉和固定,否則它還很容易打開。
Comments: When using diaphragm valves or any valve with a soft seat material in a service where corrosion products can be produced, it is very important to take precautions to prevent those reactions. Corrosion products formed by these reactions can prevent normal valve operation and can become embedded in the elastomeric stem tip, preventing the valve from making a complete seal. When disconnecting cylinders with diaphragm valves, it is most important to double close the valve and to properly install the outlet seal. Failure to use this procedure can result in release of the product into the environment.
WARNING: Improper use of cylinder valves may result in serious injury!
The Spring-Loaded Diaphragm Valve(Second Generation)
Products: All Products except Fluorine, High Concentration Fluorine Mixtures (> 20%), and Strongly Oxidizing Fluorine Derivatives
產(chǎn)品:除了氟、高濃度氟混合物(> 20%)和強氧化氟衍生物以外的所有產(chǎn)品
Operating Principle, Identifying Features, Recommended Opening, and Closing Procedures:
Identical to those of the First Generation Diaphragm Valve.
Valve Advantages: Along with the advantages of the earlier diaphragm design, the second generation valves incorporate features which provide additional benefits and flexibility. These valves are referred to as second generation diaphragm valves because basic changes in the valve design have been incorporated to resolve the deficiencies of the earlier diaphragm valves. These changes include design of the wetted gas house to provide better functioning, improved materials of construction, and improved surface finishes. These changes enable this generation to be used successfully in corrosive service. The valve’s design prevents diaphragm inversion. The elastomeric stem tips are re-designed, usually in a “donut” configuration, to prevent the plugging extrusion problems of the earlier design. These changes also make this generation of valves cleaner from a standpoint of particle generation.
Valve Disadvantages: Although the improvements to this generation of valves eliminate the more serious problems of damage from abusive closing, they are not totally immune to abuse. These valves will also sustain damage when excessively torqued. This damage could include stem breakage or internal damage which would preclude ongoing use. These valves, like the earlier diaphragm valve designs, still include relatively large volume interiors with complex surfaces and are not fully optimized for cleanliness or purgability.
Comments: When working with these valves it is very important to use good cylinder change out procedures. These procedures must incorporate adequate purge and evacuation times to allow the valve interior to be properly cleaned. This problem becomes more critical if the valve is equipped with a restrictive flow orifice. Rapid purge and evacuation cycles are often ineffective in the removal of contaminants from these valves.
WARNING: Improper use of cylinder valves may result in serious injury!
The Tied-Diaphragm Valve (Third Generation)
Products: Same as Second Generation Spring-Loaded Diaphragm Valve
Operating Principle: The tied-diaphragm valve is a handwheel-operated valve, utilizing a two-piece stem connected through the diaphragms. The metal diaphragms act as the seal at the top of the valve. The primary improvement in this generation of valves is the elimination of the spring used to open the valve. The lower stem is physically pulled away from the seat instead of being lifted away by the spring. This is accomplished by piercing the diaphragms and mechanically connecting the upper and lower stems. The point of penetration through the diaphragms is sealed by E-beam welding. When the upper stem rides up and down on its threads it now moves the lower stem by a mechanical connection.
Identifying Features:
1. The valve is equipped with a hand-wheel. The handwheel does not house a spring and does not wiggle or pivot.
2. The stem rises and lowers as the valve is opened and closed.
3. Beneath the handwheel is one set of wrench flats on a nut threaded into the valve body. This is the diaphragm-retaining nut.
4. The valve has a threaded leak check port located on the side of the valve. This allows the diaphragms to be leak checked.
Recommended Opening Procedure: The diaphragm valve handwheel travels about 3 /4 turn from fully open to closed. Because the stems have a mechanical connection, tied-diaphragm valve shave a different feel than spring-loaded diaphragm valves. The upper stem is always attached to the diaphragms so there is no “free-spinning” point. The valve should be opened fully but not backseated. This will provide
maximum flow but will not be mistaken for a closed valve because it is easily moved.
推薦的開啟程序:從完全開啟到關(guān)閉,隔膜閥手輪旋轉(zhuǎn)大約3 /4圈。因為兩個閥桿有機械連接,束縛隔膜閥與彈簧隔膜閥的操作感覺不一樣。上閥桿總是和橫膈膜連在一起,所以沒有“自由旋轉(zhuǎn)”點。閥門應(yīng)該完全開啟,但不能反向固定。這將提供最大的流量,但不會被誤認為是關(guān)閉的閥門,因為可以很容易地移動它。
Recommended Closing Procedure: This new design does not solve the old difficulty in closing because the diaphragms are still affected by gas pressure. The diaphragm valve may be difficult to close. The reason for this difficulty lies in the design. When the valve is open, full cylinder pressure is exerted on the diaphragms. The diaphragms have a surface area of about one square inch. The pressure on this large surface area makes it difficult to push the diaphragms down. When closing the valve against cylinder pressure, about 60%of the closing force goes toward pushing the diaphragms down, while only 40% of the force is transmitted to the seat. Therefore, when a pressurized diaphragm valve is closed to the recommended 10 ft-lbs. and the valve outlet is depressurized, the closing force on the seat is only 4 ft-lbs. Most diaphragm valves are either weeping through at this point or are just barely closed. Because of this phenomenon, it is necessary to use a “double close” procedure on these valves. This procedure requires the operator to close the valve as tightly as possible by hand (gloved hands are recommended), then vent the pressure in the valve outlet and reclose the valve immediately. This is commonly referred to as double closing. NEVER use wrenches or other persuaders to operate the valve. Use of these cheaters can permanently damage the valve internals.
推薦的關(guān)閉程序:因為橫膈膜仍然受到氣體壓力的影響,這種新設(shè)計沒有解決在關(guān)閉上的老困難。隔膜閥還是難以關(guān)閉。該困難的原因在于設(shè)計。當閥門開啟時,全部的鋼瓶壓力施加在橫膈膜上。橫膈膜的表面積大約是1平方英寸。這樣大面積上的壓力使得向下推動橫膈膜是很困難的。當在鋼瓶壓力下關(guān)閉閥門時,關(guān)閉力量的大約60%向下克服氣體壓力,而只有40%的力傳遞到閥座。因此,當使用推薦的10 ft-lbs力來關(guān)閉受壓隔膜閥且閥門排氣口壓力下降時,在閥座上的關(guān)閉力量只有4 ft-lbs。許多隔膜閥在這一點或者泄漏,或者根本就關(guān)不上。由于這種作用,在這些閥門上有必要使用一個“二次關(guān)閉程序”。這個程序要求操作者用手(推薦用戴手套的手)盡可能緊的關(guān)閉閥門,排出閥門排氣口的壓力,接著馬上重新關(guān)緊閥門。這一般稱為二次關(guān)閉。禁止使用扳手或其它強制性工具來操作閥門。使用這些工具會永久性地損壞閥門內(nèi)部零件。
Valve Advantages: Along with the advantages of the spring-loaded diaphragm valves, tied-diaphragm valves incorporate features which provide additional benefits. A major benefit of the tied-diaphragm design is that it has a much lower internal volume, less surface area, and less complex surfaces in the gas path than other designs. These attributes make the tied diaphragm valve more appropriate and successful for corrosive gas service. In all services, the tied-diaphragm valve is the most easily purged, particle-free valve design now in use. Anti-extrusion stem tips and anti-inversion diaphragm configurations are incorporated in this design, eliminating those potential problems.
Valve Disadvantages: Like all diaphragm valves, tied-diaphragm valves can be difficult to properly close and require the same double closure techniques as are used with spring-loaded diaphragm valves. These valves can be damaged if significantly over torqued (> 20 ft-lbs) and should never be operated with wrenches or persuaders.
閥門的缺點:象所有的隔膜閥一樣,束縛隔膜閥正確關(guān)閉比較困難,要求采用象彈簧隔膜閥一樣的二次關(guān)閉技術(shù)。如果太過分扭轉(zhuǎn)閥門(> 20 ft-lbs),會損壞這些閥門。禁止用扳手或強制性工具來操作閥門。
Comments: Although these valves are the best available, they still require trained operators and good procedures to provide maximum benefit. Tied-diaphragm valves offer excellent performance potential for ultrahigh-integrity applications with corrosive, toxic, flammable, and mildly oxidizing gases. Like all cylinder valves, optimum performance requires knowledgeable operators and appropriate procedures.
WARNING: Improper use of cylinder valves may result in serious injury!
Basic Valve Rules
? open valves slowly to control pressures urges and heat of compression!
? use the correct CGA connection for hook-up!
? inspect the valve for damage and foreign materials before connecting it to your equipment!
? ensure when the cylinder is not in use, even when empty, that the valve is in the closed position with the outlet seal in place and the transport cap installed!
? consult your supplier if you have any questions regarding cylinder valves!
? make packing nut adjustments with the valve outlet depressurized!
? restrain cylinders!
When returning any cylinder, ensure that the cylinder valve is properly closed,
any outlet seals are in place and properly tightened, and the transport cap is correctly installed.
? tamper with pressure relief devices!
? attempt to tighten or loosen the valve into or out of the cylinder!
? use a damaged valve where integrity may have been affected!
? continue to use a valve that operates abnormally, i.e., becomes noisy or progressively harder to operate!
? use an automatic operator, adapter, wrenches, or other tools to obtain a mechanical advantage on hand-wheel-operated valves without consulting your supplier first!
? lubricate valves or their connections!
? drag, lift, or move a cylinder using the valve or the hand wheel as a handle!
? remove packing nuts on packed valves!
? adjust or tamper with retainer or bonnet nuts on diaphragm or pressure seal valves!調(diào)整或篡改膜閥或壓力密封閥上的固定器或閥帽螺母!
? use the cylinder valve to regulate flow or pressure!
? move cylinders without the transport cap installed!
? interchange transport caps between cylinders!
WARNING: Improper use of cylinder valves may result in serious injury!

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